Apr 27, 2023
Julie Nelson speaks about the story of Nanin pouring tea, at the April GBZC sesshin. (April 21, 2023) (No discussion)
Apr 26, 2023
Julie Nelson discusses whether it is possible to be grateful in any circumstances, in a way that is not just spiritual bypassing. (April 14, 2023)
Apr 16, 2023
Rebecca Moonspike leads a discussion about what things help us be present, and what things that feel like interruptions are actually our practice. (April 15, 2023)
Apr 7, 2023
Julie Nelson talks about not using our practice to hide our "gold," our beauty and uniqueness. (April 6, 2023)
Apr 4, 2023
Julie Nelson talks about not using our practice to try to bypass our anger. (March 31, 2023)