Jan 29, 2021
Julie Nelson gives an encouragement talk about how, in our practice, we both become unsettled and find a home. (January 7, 2021)
Jan 28, 2021
Julie Nelson speaks about things that block faith and love. The texts are "Compassion Unbound" (p. 72) and "Affirming Faith in Mind" (p. 28) from the GBZC Sutra Book (2019 edition). (January 26, 2021)
Jan 24, 2021
Diane Fitzgerald speaks about making oneself fully available to the moment as it is. The text is Book One, Koan 96 from Dogen's Shinji Shobogenzo. (January 23, 2021) (Does not include a Dharma Dialog.)
Jan 23, 2021
James Cordova gives an encouragement talk about our desire for the apparent security of the familiar. (January 6, 2021)
Jan 17, 2021
Carol Morley speaks about our need to feel special. She begins with the poem by Jane Hirschfield, "Like Others." (January 16, 2021)